
Urban nodes: Empowering cities and regions to build the TEN-T

The Urban Nodes Alliance, a coalition of prominent European networks representing cities, regions, and territorial groupings, has unveiled a landmark publication aimed at fortifying the governance and funding mechanisms crucial to the success of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Titled “Urban Nodes: Empowering Cities and Regions to Build the TEN-T”, this comprehensive document represents the culmination of extensive collaboration and deliberation among key stakeholders. It addresses fundamental aspects of governance and funding essential for effectively implementing the ambitious TEN-T regulation, which has recently undergone significant updates.

The Urban Nodes Alliance benefits from insights from the SCALE-UP and MOVE 21 projects, and their recent developments and ongoing measures.

The working party was chaired by Île de France.

Urban Nodes Alliance_TENT position paper_1.pdf


Publication date:

Languages: English

Author: Urban Nodes Alliance


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