Policy Options to Reduce Emissions from the Mobility Sector

Articles and Publications

Developed by the Covenant of Mayors Europe, this publication aims to serve as a resource for Covenant of Mayors Signatories. It catalogues key initiatives, projects, guidelines, case studies and tools in five cornerstone areas: public transport, urban logistics, active mobility, electromobility, and the integration of SECAPs (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans) and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans). The central focus of the publication is on the reduction of mobility-related emissions.

A number of CIVITAS projects and past publications are features as examples and resources.

The CIVITAS Initiative is a member of the Covenant of Mayors Coalition of the Willing on Mobility, which together produced this publication.

Covenant of Mayors Europe - Policy Guide Emissions

CoM Policy Suggestions cover

Publication date:

Languages: English


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