Everyone’s a Winner - The First Ten Years of the CIVITAS Awards


This publication charts the growing prestige of the CIVITAS Initiative’s Awards over 10 years, from 2004 to 2013, and, more importantly, puts the spotlight on the winning cities and their achievements.

The annual CIVITAS Awards can be considered Europe’s highest form of recognition for clean urban transport. The awards honour and highlight the most outstanding, ambitious and innovative city activities in the field of sustainable urban mobility.

Over the years, the prestige of the awards and the number of applicants have grown significantly.

The aim of the book is to showcase the winning cities’ achievements and to highlight the progress made in the successful measures since the award was granted. The publication is structured into chapters according to the three categories, and profiles the winning city in chronological order per category.

The content of this publication is based on award applications, jury evaluations, CIVITAS publications, personal e-mail communication and Internet research.


Publication date:


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