
ECCENTRIC replication package: Increasing the share of walking and cycling

Project DeliverableResults

This replication package for CIVITAS ECCENTRIC measures is intended to equip practitioners and decision makers with the information needed to replicate measures included in the thematic clusters:

  • “Measures to to increase the share of walking and cycling”: Active forms of mobility, such as walking and cycling, are vital components of sustainable urban mobility, and cities around the world are keen to identify creative ways to increase levels of walking and cycling. This cluster demonstrated four measures in three cities. The measures included improvements to the design and maintenance of infrastructure, as well as the provision of a test fleet that allowed citizens to test e-bikes.
  •  “Measures to make walking and cycling safer”: Safety issues are reported to be one of the major obstacles for increased cycling and walking. To increase actual and perceived safety, this cluster demonstrated five measures, including a range of physical interventions and policy alternatives, that can improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users.

ECCENTRIC Replication Package: Increasing the Share of Walking and Cycling

ECCENTRIC Replication Package: Increasing the Share of Walking and Cycling

Publication date:

Languages: English



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