Danish Cycling Know-how


Cycling Embassy of Denmark
- Danish Cycling Know-how

Cities all over the world are facing challenges related to the effects of decades of car-oriented city planning; congestion, air pollution, noise, obesity, CO2-emissions, lack and poor quality of space. (Re)-introducing the bicycle into the urban transportation system is one of the solutions to all these challenges and a cornerstone of creating a sustainable and livable city. 

In Denmark, we have 100 years of experience planning cycle-friendly cities, developing cycling infrastructure and cycling campaigns. And people from all over the world come to Denmark to experience the cycling culture and learn the secret behind it. So, in 2009, the Cycling Embassy of Denmark was founded to make it easy for politicians, planners, engineers, architects, journalists, NGO etc. all over the world to access this knowhow and help cities around the globe make cycling an important part of their urban transportation.

The Cycling Embassy of Denmark (CED) is now a comprehensive network of almost 50 members who work professionally with cycling in private companies, local authorities (on both a local, regional and national scale), and non-governmental organizations. The members of the CED represent the latest knowledge of all areas related to cycling.

Our competencies include planning bicycle and people-friendly cities, creating synergy between cycling and public transport, building safe infrastructure for cyclists like cycle tracks and bicycle bridges, developing successful campaigns and municipal policies that motivate people of all age groups to cycle, designing urban furniture like bicycle pumps, bike counters, and bicycle parking facilities, and much more.

What the CED can do for you

You can tap into our know-how from your desk, visit us in Denmark, or have us come visit you in your own city. Depending on your needs, we can help you put cycling on the political agenda, create cycle-friendly cities and get people cycling.

Check out our publication "Danish Cycling know-how" which explains more about our services and has great info graphics on cycling in Denmark. Also check out our website: www.cycling-embassy.org and sign up for our newsletter, attend our masterclass, book a guided bike tour in one of our member cities, book a speaker for your event, or team up with one of our members on your projects. In short: Let us help you make cycling part of everyday life in your city.

Marianne Weinreich
Chairman of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark

Danish Cycling Know-how

Danish Cycling Know-how

Publication date:

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European Mobility Week
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