CREATE Guidelines: Pathways to Tackling Current Congestion and Reducing Levels of Car Use in European Cities

CREATE was a project designed to assist cities in their forward planning to achieve sustainable mobility, a reduced dependence on private cars and a new focus on improving the ‘liveability’ of cities through the design of high quality ‘places’, by reducing traffic dominance. It achieves this through a new approach that assesses the ‘evolution’ of city transport systems and policies over the long-term.

The Guidelines provide clear advice to cities as to how they can learn from and adapt the experiences of the transport evolution in other cities to advance their ambitions for sustainable mobility and greater city liveability: also, to undertake a
CREATE-type assessment in their own city.

The Guidelines emphasise how cities have changed their policy priorities over time, why, and what can be learned from these experiences.

CREATE Guidelines: Pathways to Tackling Current Congestion and Reducing Levels of Car Use in European Cities

CREATE Guidelines: Pathways to Tackling Current Congestion and Reducing Levels of Car Use in European Cities

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