CIVITAS PAC Statement 2021 – MaaS for cities of all shapes and sizes

The CIVITAS PAC Statement 2021 examines the implementation of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in European cities, taking into consideration all their shapes and sizes.

MaaS makes it possible to integrate various forms of transport services into a single mobility service accessible on demand. Although recent, MaaS is already seen as one of the main tools to achieve cities’ key objectives (like sustainability, accessibility, and inclusivity) with a focus on people and their needs. However, MaaS is still a challenge for many European cities given the lack of related regulation, public-private cooperations, and incentives for smaller regions to invest.

This statement outlines how these barriers can and should be overcome to help cities get one step closer to reaching European sustainability goals.

CIVITAS_PAC_Statement_2021_Final Version.pdf

Publication date:

Author: PAC Secretariat

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