Cities and Bicycle


Workshop “Cities and Bicycle” CiViNET Spain and Portugal Network

Madrid, Tuesday 29th September 2015.

Venue: Colegio Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Sede Nacional, Salón Agustín de Betancourt Almagro, 42 · 28010 Madrid.

Simultaneous Translation Spanish/English will be offered


09:00.- Welcome

  • 09:00.- Welcome and Presentation of the Workshop of the Spanish and Portuguese CiViNET Network, Mr. José Ignacio Quirós, Mobility Councillor, Santander, Spanish Presidency and representative from Coimbra, Portuguese Presidency.

09:15.- First Part: European Vision.

  • 09:15.- Presentation “City Planning and the bike” Mr. Pascal Van den Noort, Velomondial (Holand).
  • 09:45.- Presentation “Economic Issues and the bike” Mr. Philippe Crist, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (France).
  • 10:15.- Presentation “Politics Issues and the bike” TBC, representative from Copenhagen City Council.
  • 10:45.- Roundtable.

Moderator: Mr. Antonio Lucio, Editor of “Ecosostenible” Magazine and Teacher on Sustainable Mobility on EOI.

11:15.- Coffee Break

11:45.- Second Part: Local Initiatives and Studies.

  • 11:45.- Presentation Cities for the Bike Network in Spain, Ms. Lola Sánchez Alarcón, Deputy Mayor City of Murcia, on behalf of the Lord Mayor of Murcia, Presidency of the Network.
  • 12:15.- Presentation Bike Sharing Systems Observatory in Spain, last updated reports Mr. Alberto Castro (Coordinator).
  • 12:45.- Presentation Study “Cities and Bicycle” in Spain and Portugal, Ms. María Eugenia López-Lambas, Transyt Group, Polytechnic University of Madrid.
  • 13:15.- Roundtable.

Moderator: Mr. José María Diez, Secretariat CiViNET S&P Network.

13:45.- Lunch





Free registration, necessary to fill this formulary. Limited Audience: 100 attendees.




Madrid, Tuesday 29th September 2015

Venue: Colegio Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Sede Nacional, Salón Agustín de Betancourt Almagro, 42 · 28010 Madrid.



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Please, send this registration filled before 22th September 2015



José María Diez


proyectos [at] burgosciudad21 [dot] org








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