Study tour on smart mobility solutions for public transport operators in Coimbra

Coimbra hosted a Study Tour dedicated to the theme of “Smart Mobility Solutions for Public Transport Operators” to showcase how PT can contribute to improving urban mobility.
The event took place on 8 and 9 November thanks to the cooperation between CIVITAS MODERN and CIVITAS VANGUARD.The primary goal of the study tour was to showcase how a public transportation operator in a medium size city can contribute to improving urban mobility, by implementing measures that promote smarter and more sustainable public transport through a combination of soft and hard measures. The study began with a visit and testing of the high tech PT Driving Simulator, which allows for improving the training given to bus drivers and trolley car drivers. Participants were informed of technical issues by representatives of the manufacturer of the simulator (INDRA) and had the opportunity to try out their driving skills at the SMTUC Training Centre. Next, participants visited the GPS/GPRS Operation Support System and Passenger Information System. The Operation Support System allows for the municipal PT operator to track and manage its bus fleet and simultaneously offer more and better PT information to the general public. Participants had also the possibility to took part in a demonstration of the new e-ticketing system which guarantees greater integration and interoperability of mobility products and services, as well as more opportunities for drivers to manage ticket fares. On the second day participants visited Coimbra’s Info-mobility centre which provides information based on a set of useful web-based products for both residents and visitors wishing to travel inside the Coimbra metropolitan region in the fastest, most economic and sustainable way. The centre also concentrates ticket sells and services for all the operators in one single place. Afterwards, the study tour ended with a seminar and technical demonstration on Hydro-electricity at the University of Coimbra. The seminar demonstrated the results of the study that evaluated the possibility of generating electricity locally at the existing river dam for supplying Coimbra’s trolley car and electric minibuses. The study tour was a great experience that permits to delve into the several initiatives showing the efforts made by the city of Coimbra.