New CIVITAS e-courses are here to get you up-to-speed

Learning CentreELEVATE

Screenshot of the homepage of the CIVITAS learning centre

CIVITAS is pleased to announce the release of six new e-courses for mobility leaders! With help and contributions from a number of CIVITAS projects, CIVITAS ELEVATE has developed e-courses for urban transport professionals on a diversity of topics connected to sustainable urban mobility planning. Browse the entire course catalogue at:

The e-courses have been designed to enhance capacities among mobility professionals, helping them work more effectively and generate greater impacts with their urban mobility projects.

Course development was led by CIVITAS ELEVATE partner DTV Capacity Building, in cooperation with CIVITAS projects. This collaboration ensured that e-courses don't “reinvent the wheel”, but rather apply effective tools and outputs developed by projects. Course participants will learn about the projects that informed each course, their results, how to apply these results to their work, and further practical applications.

The e-courses can be followed online individually, and at a learner’s own pace. There are no group assignments or live elements.

The newest CIVITAS e-courses cover the following topics:

Cargo bikes and their potential for sustainable urban mobility planning
This e-course provides insights into the potential of cargo bikes, and shares key strategies for city officials to encourage cargo bike uptake and the conditions necessary to ensure that cargo bike use is a safe and viable option.
Course link:

Parking management and sustainable urban mobility planning
Take this course to learn key approaches to ensure effective use of parking management in sustainable urban mobility planning.
Course link: 

Smart mobility and sustainable urban mobility planning
This course helps define the broad concept of ‘smart mobility’. It not only goes into key concepts and developments over time, but also provides a concrete application perspective. The course zooms in on a few topics that are currently a prominent part of the development of smart mobility: traffic management (the iTLC), and the self-driving car.
Course link:

Data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning
This course introduces participants to tools developed by the HARMONY, MOMEMTUM and SPROUT projects to enable local leaders to take data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning.  
Course link:

Micromobility and sustainable urban mobility planning
Participants will be introduced to the concept of micromobility as part of sustainable urban mobility planning. In particular, the course examines the possibilities and challenges that micromobililty poses.
Course link:

Planning for charging infrastructure in urban mobility
This course will introduce participants to effective planning for charging infrastructure, touching on a wide variety of aspects of such infrastructure investigated by three CIVITAS projects.
Course link:

View all CIVITAS e-courses at:

Author: Brechtje Walburgh Schmidt

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