
European Commission launches new urban mobility framework

Man cycling through an arch in Milan, with the sun rising in the background.

The European Commission has released a new Urban Mobility Framework, which delivers on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy Action Plan it released in December 2020.

The Framework is comprised of four proposals, which collectively will modernise the EU's transport system. Executive Vice President for the European Green Deal Frans Timmermans, echoed this intention: "Today’s proposals set European mobility on track for a sustainable future: faster European rail connections with easy-to-find tickets and improved passenger rights support for cities to increase and improve public transport and infrastructure for walking and cycling, and making the best possible use of solutions for smart and efficient driving.”

The new Urban Mobility Framework focuses, indeed, on a smart and sustainable TEN-T network; increasing long-distance and cross-border rail traffic; intelligent transport services for drivers; and clean, greener and easier urban mobility.

The latter of the four proposals is of particular interest to the CIVITAS Initiative, as it focuses on addressing the mobility challenges that stem from economic activity - such as congestion, emissions and noise. Public transport, walking and cycling play a starring role in the proposal, as well as e-mobility, last-mile logistics and the development of multimodal hubs. Also, the Framework sets out guidance for cities on how to introduce Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Local and regional authorities are also provided mapped out funding options for the implementation of these priorities.

The Framework, which is a part in the Package for Efficient and Green Mobility, can be accessed here:…

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