
Eleven Lighthouse Cities selected to replicate Digital Twins solutions in CIVITAS Lead

LEAD cities

The CIVITAS LEAD project will create Digital Twins of urban logistics networks in six cities, to support experimentation and decision-making regarding on-demand logistics operations in a public-private urban setting. Digital Twins are a digital replica of a complex real-world urban environment that represents different processes, actors, and their interaction.

Following a call for applications, eleven cities and regions from eight countries have been selected to become members of the LEAD Transferability Platform. They will benefit from a tailored replication programme, to be co-created considering their local context, strategies, and ambitions, in tandem with the results from the project. The activities include capacity-building, training, technical visits, interactive workshops, and customised feedback, which aims to contribute to the members’ Sustainable Urban Logistics and Mobility Plans. The members of the Transferability Platform will benefit from the project results but are also expected to contribute to its knowledge exchange and building by informing project outcomes, stemming from their experiences and needs. T

The members of the LEAD Transferability Platform are Noord-Brabant (Netherlands), Antwerp, Hasselt, Leuven (Belgium), Murcia (Spain), Southwark (UK), Timisoara (Romania), and Toulouse (France), and the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation bringing together the Municipalities of Nova Gorica, Å empeterVrtojba (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy). The activities of this group are planned to kick-off in April.

Authors: Raffaele Vergnani, Claudia Ribeiro



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