Discover the Mobility Powered by the Youth programme
Mobility Powered by YouthELEVATE
The CIVITAS Initiative supports young people’s powerful contributions to sustainable transport and mobility through the CIVITAS Educational Network and the Fresh Brains programme.
The CIVITAS Educational Network facilitates cooperation between educational institutes active in the field of urban mobility. The creation of the Network was inspired by the results of a survey conducted by CIVITAS ELEVATE in 2021, which indicated the value of such a network to foster greater structural cooperation among universities for the benefit of students. Launched in early 2022, the CIVITAS Educational Network has rolled out activities in three main domains: (i) student exchange, (ii) knowledge exchange, and (iii) joint Master programmes.
Find the information you need to learn more about (and to join!) the CIVITAS Educational Network here; please contact Dr. Nina Nesterova (nesterova [dot] n [at] buas [dot] nl) with any additional questions.
In addition to the Network, through the Fresh Brains programme, tailor-made youth opportunities can be developed in response to needs expressed by organisations working on urban mobility. The Fresh Brains programme is therefore demand-driven, client-specific and flexible. Activities under the Fresh Brains programme provide mutual benefits to the hosting organisation and to the student(s) they work with. Organisations benefit from fresh perspectives and ideas, while students benefit from capacity-building, skill development, knowledge exchange, exposure to the working world, as well as the chance to narrow the theory-practice gap.
More information on the programme and how to make use of it to solve your organisational challenges can be found here. If you are interested in becoming involved in the Fresh Brains programme, please contact Dr. Zhan Goosen (goosen [dot] z [at] buas [dot] nl).
Additional youth opportunities
In recognition of the European Year of Youth this year, a CIVITAS Young Champion Award has been announced. Young people who are actively involved in activities related to sustainable urban mobility, and are enthusiastic about promoting the values of the CIVITAS Initiative are invited to apply by 24 June. More information can be found at:
The winner of the Young Champion Award will be recognised at the Urban Mobility Days 2022, which will also host the second edition of the Mobility Powered by the Youth conference. Here too, youth leaders will be celebrated and spotlit.
Discover the vision and outcome of the Mobility Powered by the Youth conference 2021, hosted as a complementary side event at the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2021 in Aachen, Germany.
All news and open calls related to youth, to the CIVITAS Educational Network, and to the Fresh Brains programme can be found here.
Author: Fred DOTTER