Call reopens - "Host the annual CIVITAS Forum 2018"

The CIVITAS Secretariat hereby invites European cities to submit an application to host the 16th edition of the annual CIVITAS Forum in 2018. Apply by 21 September.

Every year the conference gathers around 400 people, including CIVITAS Forum city network representatives and European politicians, as well as experts in the field of urban mobility.

European cities interested in hosting this important conference in the urban mobility field can submit an application by e-mail to the CIVITAS Secretariat at secretariat [at] civitas [dot] eu no later than 21 September.

The CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee (PAC) will review all the applications and the winning city will be announced at the closing session of the upcoming CIVITAS Forum on 29 September in Torres Vedras (Portugal).

The CIVITAS Forum Conference takes place each year between September and October. The 2018 conference will be the 16th edition, following fora hosted by Torres Vedras, Gdynia, Ljubljana, Casablanca, Brest, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Funchal, Malmö, Krakow, Bologna, Kaunas, Burgos, Nantes, Rotterdam and Graz, where the series started in 2003.

The below document provides background information that should be read prior to the submission of an application.

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat


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