Call for interest opens for CIVITAS PORTIS City-2-City Cooperation Programme

CIVITAS PORTIS has launched acall for interest for EU port cities to join the project's City-2-City Cooperation Programme.Â
Under CIVITAS PORTIS, five geographically, culturally and climatically diverse port cities are implementing innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions.
After more than two years of preparing, testing and applying these measures, the five cities - Aberdeen (UK), Antwerp (Belgium), Constanta (Romania), Klaipeda (Lithuania) and Trieste (Italy) - are ready to share their knowledge and insights.
Within the City-2-City Cooperation Programme, dedicated experts from these cities will transfer their most useful innovations to other port cities and marketplaces, enabling port cities from around the world to benefit.
Do not miss this chance to discover some of the most innovative mobility measures being developed in port cities and draft an operational plan to tailor one to your city.
More information can be found in the information brochure (also below).
To find out more, send your intention of interest by 15 September2019 to portis [at] tmleuven [dot] be
This can be done in one of two ways. Fill out the Intention of Interest document (or below) and send it as an attachment.
Alternatively, provide the information within an email. Write PORTIS City-2-City Programme - Intention of Interest in the email subject line, and add your relevant details as in the template below:
Intention of interest
Yes, I’m interested to get more information on the CIVITAS PORTIS City-2-City programme:
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