Become a local hero with CityChangerCargoBike


The CityChangerCargoBike (CCCB) project has recently expanded its local hero initiative and made it available online. A comprehensive toolkit including flyers, social media headers, picnic blankets, and cargo bike guides can now be found on the project website!

Everyone who loves their cargo bike is encouraged to participate and to share their story. The project has also launched an online photo contest, which is all about spreading the joy of riding a cargo bike!

With the CCCB “My cargo bike is...“ card, local heroes can describe their cargo bike experience with one word and share it on social media! The ten most original and creative photos will win a cargo bike picnic blanket.

With the help of its local heroes, CCCB wants to explore how cargo bikes are being used on a daily basis and show how individuals are changing their local communities by providing a new perception of mobility.

Stay tuned, as we will also be holding webinars on the benefits and uses of cargo bikes in the following months!

Find full details on the initiative here.

Author: Richard Adams


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