2014 activity reports of the ten CIVINETs published

CIVITAS Initiative

The 2014 Annual Report for the ten CIVINETs, which covers all the 2014 activities of the ten current CIVITAS National Networks, is now available for download below. It is divided into a general summary and sections for each individual CIVINET.

By reading the general summary of the report, readers will have an overview of the main outcomes of the CIVINETs' 2014 activities. Readers can then download a report from a particular CIVINET to learn more about their different activities, which can include a variety of activities including national fora, workshops, study tours, webinars, and more.

Recently membership of all ten networks reached a total of 300 cities and other organisations in over 20 countries. This clearly demonstrates that the CIVINETs are strengthening their role in their countries and regions and becoming important contact points for sustainable urban mobility exchanges and learning.

If you are not yet a CIVINET member or want to know more, visit the CIVINET pages to find the CIVINET covering your country or local language. You can contact a network's National Network Manager or Secretariat for more information.

For more information or any questions regarding the CIVINETs, contact agathe [dot] martin [at] europrojectconsult [dot] eu


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