Mobility Information and Service Center Stuttgart

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete



Thematic areas

Active mobility
  • Walking
  • Cycling

Behavioural change & mobility management
  • Mobility marketing and awareness raising
  • Mobility Planning


This measure offers a corporate mobility management assessment for companies and building ventures in Stuttgart in order to change the mobility behaviour of employees and citizens. The corporate mobility management ensures the efficient, environmentally-friendly and socially responsible organization of all traffic generated by a company. The City of Stuttgart supports such private activities by carrying our mobility surveys for employees, facilitating mobility management activities and connecting companies with mobility stakeholders. Additionally, the measure promotes activities of 'Sharing' for citizens and commuters in the region through an extensive information campaign. Travel information and service will be provided for massive construction sites which require a long time to complete, like the Stuttgart 21 project which includes a new building for the Stuttgart main station.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Stuttgart is located in the centre of a thriving economic region with a high incidence of traffic. Every day about 800,000 cars enter and leave the city. The high amount of car traffic leads in combination with the very busy city centre to major problems with air quality. The measure 'Mobility Information and Service Center Stuttgart' will help to reduce the number of car trips by influencing the personal mobility behaviour of people travelling within Stuttgart.

To reach this goal the measure follows the following objectives:

  • To improve sustainable mobility, reduce noise and lower emissions by organising mobility in a social and environmental manner through corporate mobility management for both local companies and residential communities
  • To develop alternatives to the conventional use of passenger cars through innovative concepts like sharing usually individual means of transport such as cars and bicycles
  • To reduce private vehicle trips (as single drivers) in favour of environmental-friendly transport modes, including both vehicle-sharing (cars, bicycles, pedelecs, electric cars) and ridesharing
  • To improve individual mobility even in difficult situations, e.g. caused by huge construction sites that take considerable time to complete, like the Stuttgart 21 project in Stuttgart
  • To reduce the costs of mobility
  • To improve air quality and to reduce stress in Stuttgart.

In detail the measure is following three different activities:

  • Support of corporate mobility management, including the following steps: Contact with relevant companies, evaluation of the present mobility behaviour of employees through a standardised survey of the Statistics Department of the Municipality, support of the development of company-specific mobility plans and their implementation, acting as an intermediary between companies, public transport authorities and municipal departments dealing with urban planning and mobility, evaluation of the results
  • Support of the take up of new models with respect to sharing of cars, bicycles, pedelecs and e-bikes, including the following steps: Identification of relevant housing projects, development of project-specific concepts, support in the implementation of the concepts, evaluation of the results.
    Implementation of several measures (Video clip at one of the most important intersections at the entrance of Stuttgart (Pragsattel) and on the website of the Municipality, radio-spots and interviews on one of the most important local radio stations, Mega-Lights at 22 locations in the city near main roads) to support ridesharing, evaluation of the results.
  • Provision of mobility related information on huge, time intensive construction sites, including the following steps: Gathering relevant information of the different relevant partners, publishing the information using different means (internet, personal information, etc.), evaluation of the results.


Mobility Management:

  • A close cooperation was agreed between the Municipality of Stuttgart and local employers in order to achieve among employees and visitors a shift towards environmentally friendly modes of transport. Two mobility congresses with employers took place (2013 and 2014)
  • A mobility consultation concept was set up. A standardized questionaiere has been finalized and prepared in an online and offline version. It can be adapted to the specific needs of the respective institutions
  • Partnerships were build up with two automotive companies, a bank, the state theatre of Baden-Württemberg and a hospital.
  • Surveys and first steps to corporate mobility management carried out under the coordination and support of the Municipality of Stuttgart in four companies and organizations. With all partners a final meeting took place in which the final responsibility to continue with corporate mobility management was handed over to the resp. partner.
  • A regional mobility management network of cities and other public stakeholders was established. The kick-off meeting took place on 8 July 2015 and was hosted by the Municipality of Stuttgart at the city hall. The main objective of this network is to share experiences and knowledge in the field of mobility management and to discuss about incentives (funding programs) and useful tools which help to increase the engagement of both, companies and public organisations
  • A regular jour fixe with experts from the Municipality of Stuttgart, the public transport company SSB and the Tariff Association of the Region of Stuttgart VVS  was established in 2015 in order to exchange experiences in the field of mobility manamagement as well as to agree on joint actions to further promote mobility management
  • The Municipality of Stuttgart actively participated in several conferences on Corporate Mobility Management on the national and the European level. Many contacts were made with other European cities and services providers.



  • Several potential building ventures received a mobility assessment, recommending them carsharing instead of owning an own car
  • The promotion campaign to ridesharing (Video clip at one of the most important intersections at the entrance of Stuttgart (Pragsattel) and on the webpage of the City, radio-spots and interviews on one of the most important local radio stations, Mega-Lights at 22 locations in the city near main roads) started in September 2016.


Information on construction sites:

  • The municipality decided to concentrate the activities on one "hotspot", aiming at the development of a prototype tool for information. At the Staatsgalerie construction site an existing subway station right under a 6-lane federal road has to be moved and reconstructed because of the tunnel leadingto the new railway station. Besides this construction site is located directly aside of the main construction side for the new underground railway station
  • On the website of the Municipality of Stuttgart a dynamic map is available which shows the present connections for pedestrians and bicycles in the area of these two big construction sites.


  • Mobility surveys have been successfully carried out in two automotive companies, a bank, the state theatre of Baden-Württemberg and in one hospital, reaching nearly 20.000 employees.
  • Companies developed carsharing schemes, provide public transport information at the workplace, improved or built new parking facilities and offer job tickets.
  • The City of Stuttgart increased the frequency of public transport (together with the local public transport operator), optimized signaling equipment and participated in mobility days.
  • Six building ventures received a mobility assessment.
  • An extensive media campaign with the slogan “Travelling together” was successfully carried out.
  • The information tool on construction sites is online on the website of the Municipality, as a prototype for one hotspot.


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