
Mobility Application & Travel Planner for smart phones to provide real time information


The goal of this measure was to provide a tool for tourists and residents to make their travel more efficient by providing real time information to travellers and by promoting sustainable mobility modes.

To achieve this, a smart phone application has been developed that allows travellers to plan their trips in Limassol region, using sustainable mobility modes.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Application “Mobility Limassol”

The application is downloadable and user friendly for both smart phones and tablet users and is tailored to both residents and tourists focusing on the effective use of sustainable mobility modes.

Real-time information is provided regarding the nearest bus stations, airport shuttle service, intercity buses, urban and rural bus routes, itineraries and arrival times at the bus station, bike rental stations, bike sharing stations and ev-charging stations. It also provides information and maps for cycling, walking and hiking paths and routes and access points to the beach for disabled people.

Stakeholder engagement

The key stakeholders played a significant role, specifically the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works, department of Public Transport provided all the necessary information and mapping of Bus Stops. The Limassol Municipality provided information concerning municipal parkings, and accessible parking spaces for the disabled.

Communication campaign to promote sustainable mobility

Communication Campaign and Competition was organised to create awareness and to increase the number of users; radio spots were scheduled to promote the campaign and competition to the public; Web promo banners and articles were published to promote the Mobility Application; Google Play campaign succeeded to increase users for mobile devices. After the campaign, 6,000 users downloaded the app.


  • Increase in the number of downloads of “Mobility Limassol” app - 6,000 users downloaded the app. During December 2020.
  • Tourists and residents more satisfied with the “Mobility Limassol” mobile app - 3.5 on a scale of 1 to 5 was the rating attributed to the app by the users. During April 2021.
  • Awareness of tourists and residents about the “Mobility Limassol” app - 84.5% of the people were aware of the existence of the application. Between July 2019 and February 2020.
  • Tourists and residents accepted the “Mobility Limassol” app – 56.4% of the people were using the application. Between July 2019 and February 2020.


.eu web awards
ELTIS / Urban Mobility Observatory LOGO
European Mobility Week
netzerocities logo
Smart Cities Marketplace
EU Logo

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