Mobile Internet bus information service

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Existing information dissemination channels were expanded with the addition of an information service available via mobile phone web browser.Photo credit: Luka and Vesna Veselinovic

Implementing sustainable mobility

Prior to measure implementation, the regional public transport operator Skanetrafiken disseminated information via web page, automated telephone service, staffed call centre, terminal monitors and bus-stop displays.

In order to improve these existing channels, the aim was to install a mobile Internet service based on the existing real-time information system (i.e. buses with automatic vehicle location systems), a customer database and an Internet-based travel planner. Skanetrafiken aimed to make optimum use of mobile media such as sms, WAP, Java and 3G in order to provide its customers with real-time traffic information on demand. The mobile service was complemented by digital timetables that can be downloaded to a mobile phone for use off line. With the availability of improved information, more people are likely to opt for public transport rather than the private car.


Tasks included:

  • the development of a traffic information strategy;
  • analysis of mobile services requirements for each type of passenger;
  • the identification, testing and installation of mobile Internet services;
  • the launch of the system; and
  • evaluation.

During the project period, four versions of the mobile service were developed and tested. The latest version was extended with maps and route information, a refined search function, and travel planning support, including the possibility to send customer information and news of traffic delays and disruptions. The mobile service was thoroughly tested by customers, and mobile phone ticketing was also introduced.


Surveys were carried out on board buses during one week in October and one week in November 2007. While 94 percent of passengers had a mobile phone, level of knowledge about the mobile service was higher than actual experience of using it. A total of 64 percent of passengers knew about the service, while just 12 percent used it sometimes and 5 percent used it frequently. A total of 19 percent used WAP on their mobile to access services like email and Google, while 10 percent did not know about it.

The use of mobile Internet services increased the number of journeys: 8 percent said that they travelled more as a result of the service, and mobile services meant better travel quality for 21 percent of passengers.

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