Introducing trucks powered by compressed natural gas

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Compressed natural gas (CNG) is a cleaner alternative to petrol and diesel, thus CNG-powered vehicles provide considerable reductions in noise and pollutant emissions. The measure was aimed at introducing CNG-powered lorries for inner-city freight distribution.

Implementing sustainable mobility

At the start of the implementation period, there was a significant lack of information and a general fear associated with CNG engines. There were also widespread doubts regarding the performance of CNG vehicles compared to conventional cars.

The measures therefore comprised both awareness-raising campaigns and financial incentives in order to achieve a critical mass of CNG vehicles in the short term. The aim was to introduce 100 CNG-powered lorries in different weight categories (from 1.3 t to 12 t) for inner-city freight distribution in Berlin, achieving Euro IV/Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (EEV) standard.


The strategy for promoting the introduction of CNG vehicles was discussed intensively by the supporting partners: the Berlin Senate, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the gas supply company GASAG, and the city port authority BEHALA. Guidelines for the financial incentives were prepared by the partners along with the Federal Department of the Environment (Umweltbundesamt).



The procurement of CNG-powered heavy goods vehicles was made difficult due to the lack of market supply. GASAG therefore negotiated with manufacturers in order to encourage them to expand their offer. The preparation of information and advertising materials was preceded by a brief market analysis.

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