Innovative marking and quality management for public transport
Thematic areas
Behavioural change & mobility management
Marketing has been proved to be an efficient way of changing people’s behaviour and encouraging them to opt for public transport. In its efforts to boost the popularity of its public transport system, Graz focused on image strengthening through some unconventional marketing activities.
Implementing sustainable mobility
As part of its efforts to increase the modal share of public transport, the city of Graz aimed to improve the image of its public transport system and make public transport use an attractive and positive choice for passengers.
The tasks within this measure included, innovative marketing, the provision of door-to-door trip information, and quality management.
- Innovative marketing: Activities not normally associated with public transport were implemented, such as musicians playing for the passengers in buses, trams and trains; a mobile birthday party marking the 10-year anniversary of the public transport association for the Styria region; television trailers; and a raffle with the chance to win public transport tickets.
- Door-to-door information: A travel-planning web page was created, making it far easier for public transport users to obtain complete real-time travel information, including tips on the best leisure trips by public transport. The door-to-door planning has been available since January 2006, complete with distance and time estimates and downloadable maps showing the route to take on foot from home to the appropriate stop.
- Quality management: So-called mystery shoppers assessed public transport vehicles, stops and punctuality using a list of criteria. In the event of deviations from these criteria, the respective transport operator was contacted.
- Innovative marketing: Activities resulted in a far greater awareness among the public of the company and the services offered; a more positive attitude towards public transport; and higher passenger numbers.
- Door-to-door information: The service proved popular and the number of users increased steadily, from 64,000 in September 2003 to 260,000 in June 2005. This was probably another contributing factor to higher public transport passenger numbers.
- Quality management: The number of complaints fell over time. Hidden checks are now considered an important element in improving the public transport system and increasing customer satisfaction.