Green mobility card

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID

RET 6.3


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Rethymno will study a business model for a “green mobility award” scheme through a Green Mobility Card in order to encourage tourists and citizens to adopt more sustainable lifestyle patterns. More use of sustainable transport modes will offer a greater number of credits!

Implementing sustainable mobility

This measure aims to deliver a feasibility study for a Green Mobility Awarding Scheme at city and prefecture level. Rethymno will search for viable business case scenarios for launching a Green Mobility Card and incentives to award tourists and residents for choosing sustainable travel options.

The Green Mobility Card concept will be also examined as a business tool for local SMEs through exchanges with stakeholders, local and regional entrepreneurs, and transport operators to evaluate its feasibility and sustainability.

The main objectives are to:

  • design an attractive, self-sustaining green mobility credit scheme,
  • promote sustainable modes of transportation and provide benefits both to visitors/tourists and local/regional businesses;
  • develop a business tool for promoting mobility services/products of local SMEs

Planned actions include:

  • Business plan development for a self-sustaining Green Mobility Card.
  • The engagement of key stakeholders, PT operators, the private sector and potential sponsors.
  • Dissemination of the business plan’s key elements among relevant stakeholders to encourage a sense of 'ownership' of the scheme among them.


The activities implemented so far are:   

  • Business plan for a self-sustained green mobility card under development.
  • Consultations with key stakeholders, PT operators, local businesses and potential sponsors.


  • Feasibility study of setting up and maintaining a green mobility reward scheme at regional level.
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