Development of an e-bike sharing scheme

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID

MUC 5.2.6:


- complete








The reduction of the individual car use and the availability of multimodal mobility for everybody is a challenge for the future. Therefore the focus of this measure is on the development of a carrier e-bike for mobility-impaired people. The e-bike will be integrated in the existing bike sharing system MVG Rad and positioned on within the mobility stations at the project area.

Implementing sustainable mobility

What was the initial situation before your measure has been implemented/will be implemented?
Cities are struggling with increasing pollution due to traffic emissions. Munich faces huge problems concering especially air pollution. Part of a sustainable solution is therefore to promote and implement electric mobility solutions, as this may reduce local emissions and at the same time foster the use of alternative fuels (renewable energy). In Munich is existing an bike sharing scheme (MVG Rad), but old and impaired people often can’t use the bicycles, because they prefer electric bicycles or the sense of balance is weak. Also customers can’t transport heavy loads with those exisiting bicycles. The alternative is often the usage of cars.
What problems and needs does your measure aim to address?
Old and impaired people often cannot use the normal bicycle sharing in Munich. No electric support, no possibilities to carry charges and you need a smartphone to rent it. The E-Trike prototype shows solutions for those problems.
What is the project’s added value?
The development of e-trike for mobility-impaired people and a best practice solution and a concept for the integration of an e-bike (e-trike) in ”MVG Rad”, which will be established in Munich to verify the assumptions made in the consortium.



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