Dedicated bus lanes / HOV lanes control with the use of ITS

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete





Thematic areas

Smart, Sustainable, Connected and Shared mobility
  • ITS-based enhancement of public transport


To increase the quality and the efficiency of public transport, three new dedicated bus lanes were implemented on two heavily congested arterial roads and one in the city centre. Also, a video camera system was installed on one  bus lanes detecting and enforcing drivers who use bus lanes without permission.

Implementing sustainable mobility

During rush hours (in the morning and in the afternoon) there was considerable congestion on Morska Street and Zwyciestwa Street. Before DYN@MO, there were no bus lanes on these arteries. It was expected that introducing bus lanes and controlling their correct use would increase the competitiveness of PT and decrease travel time during rush hours.

The first bus lanes in Gdynia has been implemented together with a device that detects vehicles which do not comply with the regulations. A concept of lanes has been developed for the city centre and two incoming roads into the city centre ­­– a section of Morska Street and Zwyciestwa Street. For this reason, the traffic model (developed within measure G3.1) was used. The concept points out the feasibility of such lanes, their location, advantages, costs, impact on traffic flow and the need for traffic reorganisation.

Based on the studies done in this context, the pilot project lane  has been chosen and implemented within CIVITAS-DYN@MO. The pilot project included the installation of a device detecting vehicles which use the bus lane and which do not comply with the regulations. Promotional activities were also planned within this task, including campaigns to raise awareness among drivers about the existence of the dedicated bus lanes and what happens if they do not comply with the regulations.

The main objectives of this measure were:

  • Introduction of dedicated bus lanes along major arterial roads
  • Implementation of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes was analyzed
  • Increase of the share of PT in the modal split with a target of 85% PT and 15% HOVs on the dedicated lanes
  • Improvement of the quality and punctuality of PT travel and service
  • Assuring that PT is more competitive to individual transport (due to shorter journey trips)
  • Decrease of the number of car trips and cars to achieve 10% less congestion


Planning & preparation

In the preparatory stage, the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) has conducted an in-depth study for a pilot project lane which was implemented within CIVITAS DYN@MO. The concept of HOV lanes/ bus lanes for the city centre and two incoming roads into the city centre has been elaborated. For the other potential dedicated lanes conditions of implementation has been developed through a study. The study evaluated possibilities of completion of dedicated bus lanes, its location, advantages, costs, impact on traffic flow and the necessary reorganisation of traffic. This element, available also for taxi and other privileged vehicles has provided an important and decisive tool for the further reconstruction and modernisation of main streets in Gdynia, improving competitiveness of public transport.

As part of this measure, the City of Gdynia has prepared the tendering procedure for the technical documentation – based on the study, analysis and tests conducted by the Gdansk University of Technology. The preparation of the study has also been supported by consultations with local stakeholders to receive their approval.


Implementation & demonstration

During the implementation phase the following tasks has been executed by the City of Gdynia:

  • Subcontracting the company that elaborates the technical documentation of the pilot project
  • Implementation of the pilot project under the supervision of Gdansk University of Technology
    • Video camera was installed above the chosen and selected bus lane
    • Suitable software of the system enabled the automatic identification of the vehicles which are not allowed to use the bus lane
    • The installed video camera takes a picture of the unauthorised vehicle on the bus lane and the picture is sent to the City of Gdynia
    • The picture could be the basis to fine the driver of the vehicle


Tangible outputs:

  • Bus lane on a chosen road
  • Functioning detection of vehicles which do not comply with the regulations on the implemented lane
  • Decrease of the number of car trips or decrease the number of cars used for traveling to reduce congestion by 10%
  • Increase of the number of drivers who respect traffic regulations by 50% between the beginning of the pilot project and the end of the DYN@MO project
  • Increase of punctuality of PT service
  • Concept and analysis of HOV vehicle/ bus lane control system – recommendations and toolkit for other cities
  • An awareness-raising campaign for citizens, especially car drivers

Expected outcomes in the short- to medium-term:

  • Public debate on the implementation of the HOV/ bus lane concept in general for raising the acceptance to implement a similar system on other roads

Expected outcomes in the mid- to long-term:

  • Improvement of the overall quality of PT travel and service
  • More competitive PT compared to individual transport by shortening journey time when using PT


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