
Customer and user participation for CIVITAS measures

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Public involvement


The measure aimed at promoting future urban transport solutions through direct communication with potential customers and users.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Lack of direct customer orientation at the product launch phase often hinders customers’ acceptance of innovative measures for cleaner and better transportation in cities. The aim of the measure was therefore to provide Berlin’s citizens with simple, comprehensive information about the results of the TELLUS project in Berlin.

The objectives were to:

  • install a framework for direct customer participation to improve Berlin’s mobility projects within TELLUS; and
  • introduce the customers’ perspective in order to improve the relationship between everyday users and the companies involved in innovative mobility projects.


Implementation took the form of a process of moderation between various stakeholders. In addition, events aimed at customer participation provided feedback to project leaders about the acceptance of their service or products on the market.


  • Information about the TELLUS project was disseminated in Berlin via a media campaign, aimed specifically at young people.
  • Direct contacts were established between groups of youngsters and the Berlin partners in order to obtain feedback on the TELLUS projects.
  • The campaign was complemented by a debate between young citizens and members of the House of Representatives in Berlin.

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