Multi applications & the future of transport ticketing

Basic Information

Series Title

Eurotransport webinars






Learning Material type


Thematic areas

Smart, Sustainable, Connected and Shared mobility
  • ITS-based enhancement of public transport


In this webinar, Infineon, accompanied by Deutsche Telekom, identifies the major trends & challenges ahead for transport ticketing technology, demonstrating the need for truly open standards. The webinar consists of two 15-20 minute presentations and a 20 minute Q&A session.

The first presentation is conducted by Katja Kienzl,  Head of the Transport Ticketing segment of the Chip Card & Security division at Infineon Technologies. Katja begins the webinar by taking a look at why migration towards multi-applications will boost the market and how participants can benefit. She discusses existing options for convergences and what needs to be considered when choosing a technology that must be “fit for the future”, as well as other conditions that influence the success and profitability of a system. She demonstrates what a multi-application ecosystem looks like and what a technology provider needs to supply in order to support the whole ecosystem. 

In the second presentation, Michael Dupré, release manager for the NFC SIM card of Deutsche Telekom, discusses how to build CIPURSETM applications on the UICC used in mobile phones. Several NFC Services rely on hardware based security provided e.g. by a UICC. The security standard CIPURSE™ Mobile supports such approaches, and the presentation describes for which kind of services CIPURSE™ mobile can be used. For a simple use case the presentation will show how CIPURSE™ can be used to build such a service on the UICC just by configuration. It will be shown that only a few commands (APDUs) have to be sent to a CIPURSE™ instance. The presentation also addresses the topic of configuration / personalisation of a CIPURSE™ applet through a proxy app of the smartphone.

Material creator

Infineon & Deutsche Telekom

Associated project:

.eu web awards
European Mobility Week
Smart Cities Marketplace
EU Logo

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