Cargo bikes: a solution for urban mobility

Cargo bike being ridden in front of an orange wall

Basic Information

Series Title





Learning Material type

E-course ELEVATE

Thematic areas

Active mobility
  • Walking
  • Cycling

Demand & urban space management

Urban logistics
  • Distribution consolidation schemes
  • Fleet management
  • Urban freight transport plans


In this e-course, put together by CIVITAS ELEVATE in collaboration with the CityChangerCargoBike project, participants will learn how the use of cargo bikes can help their city become more sustainable.

Cargo bikes are a sustainable mode of transport with the potential to solve many of the challenges that cities face today. Issues such as congestion, poor air quality and noise pollution can all be remedied by increasing cycling. Cargo bikes specifically can remove a lot of potential car and van trips with their larger load carrying capacity.

This e-course provides insights into the potential of cargo bikes, and shares key strategies for city officials to encourage cargo bikes, as well as information on fostering the necessary conditions to ensure that they are a safe and viable option for citizens.

Material creator

Associated project: City Changer Cargo Bike

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