World Transport Convention



In the past 30 years, the development of transportation systems in China is not only a major driving force for its economic growth, but also one of the key changes affecting the world. In China, large-scale investment and construction of high-speed rails, airports, sea-crossing bridges, underwater tunnels and offshore deep-water ports are blooming across the country, whereas research and innovation on smart city system, urban pipe network systems, modern logistics systems, and maritime satellite systems are also progressing rapidly. 

However, transport is facing a number of challenges for sustainable development, such as the multi-disciplinary convergence, big data science, climate changes, and extreme events. How to cope with these changes is an inevitable question that the world transportation community has to address collectively. Therefore, initiated by China Highway and Transportation Society (CHTS) and in cooperation with transport organizations both in China and in other countries, the inaugural World Transport Convention (WTC) will be held in Beijing from June 4 to 6, 2017.

WTC 2017 will focus on Comprehensive, Smart, Green, and Safe transportation. WTC aims at establishing an international platform for all of the stakeholders of transport industry to share research findings and academic ideas, exchange successful practice and managerial trials, and explore business opportunities and global collaborations.

Time: June 3 to 4 Registration; June 5 to 6 WTC Sessions
Venue: Beijing National Convention Center (Olympic Park Center)
Assembly language: Chinese & English

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