Workshop - Smart & Green Mobility Solutions @BrabantStad - Now and in the future



With the support of POLIS, BrabantStad is organising an energetic workshop focusing on smart and green mobility solutions. Brabant wants cleaner, economical and better transport possibilities, both in the fields of passenger and freight transport. Innovative, smart mobility solutions are therefore crucial. Due to developments in the field of ICT and the increasingly collaborative nature of social innovation, Brabant has become a leader in smart mobility concepts.

With a dynamic and interactive 90-minute programme, we intend to outline a number of possible scenarios in the field of automated and connected driving, cycle innovations, smart logistics, zero emission buses and ‘Mobility as a Service’. We will pose a series of  questions relating to: Where will we stand in Brabant in these areas in 10 years?

  • Will we be sitting in a self-driving car on the A58 from Breda to Helmond?
  • How many zero emission vehicles will be driving on the Brabant motorways?
  • Does your bike decide which route is the most convenient? Has Brabant introduced a ‘killer-app’ for Mobility as a Service (MaaS)?
  • How many new smart mobility companies are booming? Will empty trucks be still on the road?
  • Is Brabant known in Europe as a 'Region of Smart Mobility'?
  • How do we realise these scenarios?
  • Why do other European regions want to collaborate with Brabant in projects, business development and partnerships?


Entry: 10:30am

Introduction by moderator Thijs van Son.

Keynote by Mayor of Breda Paul Depla on behalf of BrabantStad.

Five pitches about the BrabantStad scenarios with your feedback:

  1. Rob Temme, the municipality of Breda about 'smart cycling solutions'.
  2. Lot van der Giessen, the municipality of Eindhoven about 'Mobility as a Service'.
  3. Jan van Meijl, VDL Bus & Coach about 'larger scale implementation zero emission buses'.
  4. Toon Vos, NewWays Brabant, about 'Social Innovation for Breakthrough Freight Distribution'.
  5. Gertjan Koolen, ITS Bureau BrabantStad, about 'automated and connected driving'.  

Wrap up by Florien van der Windt, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Wrap up by Henriette van Eijl, DG MOVE, European Commission.

Networking drink and working lunch. 

Speaking on behalf of BrabantStadare:

  • Paul Depla, Mayor of Breda;
  • Christophe van der Maat, member of the Provincial Executive of Noord-Brabant, Mobility and Collaboration.


Entry is only possible if you register. To do so, click here. You will receive confirmation of your participation within a week.

More information

For more information, please contact Edwin Mermans: emermans [at] brabant [dot] nl


The event is part of the 15th European Week of Regions and Cities. Click here for more information.

Workshop - Smart & Green Mobility Solutions @BrabantStad

Authors: Brabant, Edwin Mermans

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