Tyne and Wear European Freight Conference


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

free entry The Award winning Tyne and Wear Freight Partnership managed by AECOM, on behalf of the Tyne and Wear Local Transport Plan Team, held a European Urban Freight Conference in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. The city of Newcastle Upon Tyne is a CIVITAS Forum member. The conference, taking place on the 22nd February 2011, brought together transport operators, industry experts, trade associations and other stakeholders from across Europe, to share best practice and innovations in Urban Freight Transportation through a series of presentations and immersive workshop sessions. The conference was co-financed by CIVITAS. Presentations during the conference included:

  • Freight Operators Recognition Scheme (FORS): How can Transport for London’s successful model be applied to other cities
  • Bremen city's perspective on urban freight traffic
  • Electric vehicle infrastructure and innovation in Tyne and Wear
  • Urban freight innovation in Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Best Practice, Good Practice and Myths - Newcastle University

Following the presentations delegates had the opportunity to field questions to industry experts on a range of related topics in a question and answer session. This was followed by four parallel workshop sessions looking at:

  • Routing and mapping
  • Consolidation centres
  • Recognition schemes
  • Low emission zones - Delivery and loading restrictions

For more information please contact Michael Page or Peter Hayes Click here to proceed to the CIVITAS page of Newcastle Upon Tyne. Further details of the event can also be found on the Tyne and Wear Freight Partnership website.

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Peter Hayes


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