Transport Research Arena 2018



TRA 2018 is an arena for researchers, companies and public authorities active in the field of transport. It welcomes policy makers and stakeholders framing research and transport policy.

Together they will share and discuss new ideas, research results, technological solutions and new business models. Together they will experience and shape the future of transport and mobility for people and goods.

Key focus areas will be:

  • How digitalisation is transforming transport & mobility systems
  • Decarbonisation & future growth – how to change our mobility system & remain competitive
  • Shaping the new mobility landscape – a vision for transport & mobility for Europe

The TRA 2018 programme includes a range of different session formats that will offer ample opportunity to share information on recent findings and to discuss the aforementioned challenges and opportunities.

In scientific and technical sessions, a broad spectrum of research and innovation activities will be discussed, ranging from basic research findings over application-oriented engineering and socio-economic aspects to policies and standards.

To register, click here.

Transport Research Arena 2018

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