The Urban Development Network (UDN) conference


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

The UDN conference will take place in the context of the OPEN DAYS week, during which there will be a number of workshops addressing urban issues. The Urban Development Network is set out in the ERDF regulation for the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and will involve the urban authorities throughout the EU implementing integrated urban strategies in line with ERDF Article 7 and those implementing Innovative Urban Actions in line with Article 8. However, as programming for 2014-2020 is not yet complete, we will open the conference to a much wider audience.

During this particular event, we will focus on:

  • Innovation in European cities  
  • Integrated sustainable urban development and how to use European programmes and funds to support it
  • Integrated territorial investment (ITI) and bottom-up approaches (CLLD)
  • The new URBACT programme

The conference will bring together participants representing European cities, city associations, local, regional and national representatives, as well as academics and Commission services. All participants will have the possibility to be actively involved in the discussion.
An invitation to register to the conference can be applied as of 14 August 2014. 
For more information: Conference Secretariat udn [at] iservice-europa [dot] eu


Author: Conference secretariat

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