SUMPs-Up Webinar: Data Collection for a SUMP


Analysing the mobility situation and developing scenarios of possible future mobility situations helps to set the goals for your city’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). In order to know where you want to go and how you are going to get there, you first need to know what your current situation is.

Collecting evidence on the existing mobility conditions in your city and ensuring the availability of accurate data is the basis for SUMP development.

An upcoming SUMPs-Up webinar, taking place on 20 February, will focus on analysing the mobility situation and data collection for a SUMP. 

The City of Malmö, one of SUMPs-Up's city partners, will present how they collect and use different data for planning their transport measures.

Malmö combines several methods of obtaining data, and recently piloted some innovative data collection methods based on a digital travel survey, whose responses were collected via an app.

Register for the webinar here and read the agenda here.

The webinar forms part of a wider SUMPs-Up webinar series and set of e-learning materials created for mobility practitioners around Europe. Find them here.

To see other upcoming events, check out the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up website -

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