Smart Greens 2016

ROME, Italy

OtherCIVITAS Initiative

The 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS) will be held in Rome, Italy.

SMARTGREENS 2016 aims at a strong multilateral involvement of all the scientific community in all of the conference's topic areas, and we therefore encourage CIVITAS to submit a proposal for a “European Project Space”.

The European Project Space will provide an opportunity for EU funded R&D projects which deal with the emerging areas of Web-based Information Systems, Cloud Computing, ICT for Ageing Well and e-Health and Smart Cities and Green IT Systems, to present their current results and future plans and goals in the informal setting of demos, posters and panels at the same venue and simultaneously with several related conferences.

The European Project Space has the purpose to provide EU projects several possibilities to connect with each other and engage in discussions about their respective research and development, establish opportunities for knowledge and technology sharing, and identify complementary activities and goals which can form the basis for future collaborations, researcher exchange or joint participant at events or in initiatives.

For more information:

Smart Greens 2016

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