Photo contest

ZAGREB, Belgium

OtherCIVITAS Initiative

The main idea of competition was the view on the traffic and transport events in Zagreb through the camera lens, with emphasis on the mobility of citizens and the impact of traffic on quality of life. We encouraged those who like to photograph the world around them to send their photos.Conditions:•Photographs could be in colour or black and white, taken with a digital camera. •Photographs couldbe scanned. •Each author could submit a tender for up to three photos.•The contest was open until 10 September 2010. Awards: First place: 700 Croatian kunasSecond place: 500 Croatian kunasThird place: 300 Croatian kunasAnnouncement of the three best photographs was held on 18 September 2010 on CIVITAS day in CIVITAS Info point (Savska street 18, in front of the Technical Museum in Zagreb).The works were displayed on the website of the project and CIVITAS ELAN Info point. * More information on the Zagreb web site of CIVITAS ELAN:

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Lidija Pavić-Rogošić


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