Mobilising Mobility: MaaS: crossing (modal) borders - MyCorridor, MOBI-MIX, HANDSHAKE and SATELLITE


The MyCorridor project will speak about their cross-border approach to MaaS, which aims to boost sustainable travel in urban and interurban areas and across borders by replacing private vehicle ownership.

For the MOBI-MIX project, the City of Rotterdam will discuss the MaaS pilot that is currently being implemented at the city’s airport. What have the city’s experiences been in developing this pilot?

The final project speaking is CIVITAS Handshake. This cycling project will explore the multimodality aspect of MaaS by focusing on bike sharing. The City of Turin, one of ten “Future Cycling Capitals” in the project, will introduce its "Buoni mobilità" MaaS project and the role that bike sharing has to play in this.

Register for the webinar here, which is being organised by CIVITAS SATELLITE. Read more on the respective projects below.


MOBI-MIX intends to facilitate the up-take of innovative transport solutions to fulfil their potential and have a positive impact in reducing carbon emissions. MOBI-MIX will develop and source state-of-the-art public-private collaboration models for more effective implementation of micromobility and MaaS solutions, ultimately leading to a more livable city. The objective is to reduce 365 tonnes of CO2 emissions by replacing 2.6 million fossil-fueled car-kilometres in the urban environment of 5 pilot cities/regions: Rotterdam, Norfolk, Antwerp, Mechelen and Valenciennes.

CIVITAS HANDSHAKE helps cities of all types become more liveable places, improving conditions for cycling as an everyday mode of transport. Handshake will achieve this by improving the quality of both cycling infrastructure and communications through identifying innovation in areas such as intelligent transport systems, bike sharing, modelling, bike parking, socio-economic assessment and governance and decision-making.

MyCorridor aims to achieve sustainable travel in urban and interurban areas and across borders by replacing private vehicle ownership by private vehicle use. The project looks into connecting services from various service providers and providing the traveler with alternatives to replace their own vehicle trip with combined shared vehicles and multimodal transport solutions.

CIVITAS SATELLITE aims to help cities gain better access to innovative solutions to properly address transport challenges they are facing. Cities, as the closest link to citizens, are the focal point of SATELLITE’s efforts, with an emphasis on international cooperation as an essential aspect for cities to function as “activity hubs” in the global economy. Cross-project coordination, exchange mechanisms and capacity-building provide cities with access to the latest innovations resulting from European urban mobility research, as well as helping city practitioners to gain the necessary skills to apply innovations in their local contexts.


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