Launching CIVINET Belgium


CIVINET .BE, CIVITAS' National Network in Belgium, will officially be launched on Tuesday 19 September 2023 in Brussels. All Belgian municipalities are cordially invited to join and discover how CIVINET .BE can help them make the most out of European mobility projects. 

The European Union helps cities and municipalities in various ways to develop, test and roll out sustainable and smart mobility measures. It provides financing options, organizes innovation projects and shares best practices within its member states, including in Belgium. For many Belgian municipalities, however, it is often difficult to keep an overview.

CIVINET .BE: a new learning network for Belgian municipalities

Do you work for a Belgian municipality and do you find it difficult to get a good picture of what is happening at the European level? Do you feel that you are missing out on interesting European funding opportunities and project calls? Having trouble finding like-minded project partners? Looking for the best way to implement relevant innovations and best practices from existing mobility projects? Then you should definitely get to know CIVINET .BE.

CIVINET .BE is a new learning network that unites Belgian municipalities to get the most out of European mobility projects. Its greatest asset is that it brings Europe to your town hall or village square in an accessible and low-threshold way.

Join CIVINET .BE on Tuesday 19 September 2023 in Brussels

Your municipality can also benefit from the services, knowledge and insights that CIVINET .BE offers. So join us at the first event of CIVINET .BE on Tuesday 19 September 2023 (13-17h) in Brussels and discover how this new network answers your questions and helps you get the most out of European mobility projects.

What?A launch event to tailor the future activities of CIVINET .BE to the needs and wishes of your city or municipality. The event includes an informal networking reception.

For whom?Municipal council members and mobility professionals working for municipalities in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia.

When?Tuesday 19 September 2023 (13-17h)

Where?Maison De La Poste, Tour&Taxis, Rue Picard 5/7, 1000 Brussels (within walking distance of Brussels-North train station)

Click here to register for the event for free.

Are you unable to participate in this event, but would you like to receive further communication about CIVINET .BE? Fill out your contact details via the registration form and we’ll make sure to keep you up-to-date.

An initiative by Mobiel 21 
CIVINET .BE is an initiative of Mobiel 21, a Belgian non-profit organization with 40 years of experience in stimulating sustainable mobility by inspiring, informing and setting citizens and policymakers in motion at the local, regional, national and European level. The new network is supported by the European CIVITAS Initiative and the Federal Belgian Minister of Mobility, Georges Gilkinet.

Questions about CIVINET .BE? Please contact Mobiel 21 via civinet [dot] be [at] civitas [dot] eu" icon-position="icon-position-left" link-type="link-underlined" predefined-style="link-3" target="_blank">civinet [dot] be [at] civitas [dot] eu.


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