Launch event of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart cities and communities: Leading the way in making Europe's cities smarter


CIVITAS Initiative

On 26 November 2013, the European Commission is organising a conference in Brussels to share and discuss the actions outlined in the "Strategic Implementation Plan" of the Smart cities and communities Partnership and how to put them into practice.

At the conference, the Strategic Implementation Plan and future actions by the Partnership will be presented to a large audience.

You will hear from city leaders, CEOs, civic society leaders and 3 European commissioners about their plans for new investments, innovations and programmes for our cities and communities. The conference also hopes to inspire other organisations to join in and implement the Partnership's actions.


Registration website will be available from 5 November 2013.


Website of the EIP in Smart cities and communities

Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart cities and communities

Website of the EIP in Smart cities and communities

Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart cities and communities

Author: European Commission



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