International Workshop on Road Safety and Markings


WorkshopCIVITAS Initiative

The “International Meeting on Road Safety and Markings”, that took place in Perugia on May 11th 2012, aimed to inform, promote and discuss issues related to road pavement markings, road security management and to foster possible exploitation and transfer of the results of the activities that CIRIAF (University of Perugia) and the Municipality of Perugia have performed in the framework of the CIVITAS RENAISSANCE Project. The Project has shown how the Public bodies can optimize the budget available for the road safety through a planned activity of road markings monitoring. International and national speakers presented the latest data concerning road safety, including the plans and the programs that the European Union and the Member States have adopted. The focus was on road markings and on how they could really make a difference in terms of safety for all road users. For further information about the agenda and the participation please see the attached flyer.  


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