Hybrid & Electric Vehicles 2014


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

11th symposium: Hybrid & Electric Vehicles 2014

Annual conference on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, organised by ITS Niedersachsen. Conference organisers are particularly interested in learning more about cities strategies related to electric driving, experiences as well as building up charging infrastructure.

Recent years have seen a surge in research and development work on the subject of electric drives. Above all, this is the result of a wider range of components and the growing number of vehicles ready to
enter production. For this reason, the symposium will be providing detailed coverage of the latest solutions in the field of hybrid, plug-in as well as electric vehicles with fuel cell and battery, including infrastructure.

The presentation line-up has been extended to devote particular attention to battery technology and
the fuel cell. The topics examined will also include the marketing instruments used for launching electric
and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Hybrid & Electric Vehicles 2014

Author: HEV 2014

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