High-level EU Event “Sustainable Mobility and Tourism Growth”




The Technical University of Crete and the Municipality of Rethymno will organize the high level event “Sustainable Mobility and Tourism Growth” in the framework of the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (IYSTD2017) and the launch of CIVITAS DESTINATIONS in Greece.

The event, which will be held on Friday 5th of May 2017 in Rethymno-Crete, will offer a unique opportunity to bring together actors of the European and national transport and tourism sector for sharing ideas and best practices on the green mobility challenges in tourism destinations, as a means to inspire the partner cities and policy makers to take action to transform the rising challenges into a real opportunity for competitiveness and sustainability in touristic regions and local communities.

Speakers and panelists will focus on efficient integration of tourism and mobility planning, socio-economic and environmental issues that policy makers should consider in order to encourage sustainable mobility solutions, behavioral change of residents and tourists towards alternative transportation modes that foster healthy, active and safe commuting and innovative practices that fit the needs of touristic areas.

Citizens and national stakeholders will learn about alternative modes of mobility and be informed about the CIVITAS DESTINATIONS sustainable mobility measures and actions aiming to improve urban accessibility, the cost effectiveness and integration of transport services and to reduce emissions and energy consumption.

Author: Technical Univ. of Crete & The Municipality of Rethymno



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