FREVUE webinar “Technical assessment of electric vehicles used for daily logistics operation”


The FREVUE project will organise its first technical webinar on Friday 17 March 2017, from 11.00 to 12.00 (CET). The FREVUE partner SINTEF will present during this webinar the main results of a study on the technical assessment of electric vehicles used for daily logistics operations. The presentation will be complemented by testimonies of two local FREVUE partners: EMEL (in Lisbon) and Breytner (in Rotterdam).

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  • 11.00-11.05: Welcome (Polis – FREVUE communication and dissemination)
  • 11.05-11.15: Presentation of the FREVUE project (Cross-River Partnership – FREVUE coordination)
  • 11.15-11.35: Presentation on Technical assessment of electric vehicles for logistics (SINTEF – FREVUE partner in charge of the study)
  • 11.35-11.40: Experience in Rotterdam  (Breytner – FREVUE partner)
  • 11.40-11.45: Experience in Lisbon (EMEL Lisbon – FREVUE partner)
  • 11.45-12.00: Questions & Answers – Conclusion

FREVUE project website

Author: Thomas Mourey


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