First Annual Sustainable Mobility Convention

LONDON, Belgium


The European Commission’s CIVITAS Programme has helped 58 demonstration cities implement ambitious measures to achieve more sustainable transport systems. Through the CIVINET UK & Ireland Network, good practice and lessons learned are disseminated to a wide range of local authorities and transport practitioners. This First Annual Sustainable Mobility Convention was a key information and networking event for local authorities and other parties interested in sustainable mobility solutions. Key speakers included: * European Commission * Department for Transport * Lancashire County Council * City of Aalborg, Denmark * Hampshire County Council * Cork City Council * Bristol City Council * Norfolk County Council * Norwich City Council * Brighton and Hove City Council * London European Partnership for Transport * Bournemouth Borough Council * University of Southampton Topics included: * Best practice in Smarter Choices * Clean Vehicles * Freight * Access Control and Traffic Management * Public Transport * Telematics

Author: Alastair Byers


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