

As every year, the week is taking place from 16-22 September. The theme for 2018 is "Mix and Move". This focuses on multimodality, which is the mixing of transport modes within the same journey or for different trips.

More than 2000 cities organise events for the promotion of sustainable urban mobility in Europe and beyond and all events can be registered on the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK website to help promote the activities organised in different cities.

MOBILITYACTIONS can be registered on the site by anyone - whether an emplyer has decided to actively promote walking to work or using public transport, or a cycling group has planned a cycling event during the week. For example, during "Mix and Move" events, people are invited to combine different modes of transport for their (daily) journeys rather than the transport mode they would usually use.

These events often culminate in a car-free day, and there are many opportunities for residents to interact with local authorities and discuss the benefits of active and sustainable transport.

Local authorities are strongly encouraged to use the week to test new transport measures and get feedback from the public. It is also an excellent opportunity for local stakeholders to get together and discuss the different aspects of mobility and air quality, find innovative solutions to reduce car-use and transport emissions, and test new technologies and planning measures.

To discover more about how participating towns and cities have used the campaign to enhance their sustainable transport policies, visit the page for campaign materials.

Mobility Week runs alongside the European Day Without a Road Death campaign, Project EDWARD, on 21 September 2018.


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