European Week of Regions and Cities: Thriving Regions, Stronger Europe


Over the past 20 years, EU-funded research and innovation projects in the field of urban mobility have shown that addressing the effects of climate change in urban transport brings wider economic and social benefits. This session - part of the European Week of Regions and Cities - will focus on findings from projects supported under the CIVITAS Initiative and the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. A World Café will centre on three themes: active modes, decarbonised last-mile delivery of goods and public transport.

Read more about this session.


Read the full programme here.


Registration is open - register here.

About the European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It has grown to become a neutral platform to discuss common challenges for Europe's regions and cities by bringing together a diverse community of speakers and participants. Learn more.

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