European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans


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Sustainable mobility for everyone - 16 & 17 June 2015, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

Less than two years after the publication of the European Commission’s Urban Mobility Package (2013) and related Guidelines (2014), there is now a large and expanding network of cities committed to the preparation and implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. This includes cities and institutions involved in various EU projects and initiatives, designed to drive forward mobility planning research, practice and innovation.

The European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans is the principal annual event enabling this international community of practitioners, policy makers and academics from across Europe to come together to debate key issues, highlight developments in mobility planning and exchange ideas and experience. The first European conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans last year attracted 144 delegates from across Europe. This year we expect to reach the full conference capacity of 250 delegates, meaning the event will offer an excellent networking opportunity.

Romania provides an inspiring and informative host country for the event, as eight cities have recently embarked on preparing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans through the Growth Poles Programme. Within the conference theme, ‘sustainable mobility for everyone’, attendees will explore how the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan concept can be adjusted to suit different city geographic contexts, scales and budgets; as well as approaches that can be taken to ensure mobility and accessibility is improved for everyone in society. Alongside this, planning technique sessions will provide practical guidance on specific aspects of urban mobility planning.

2nd European Conference Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans SUMPS

Author: European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans


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