Demonstrating Best Practice in Sustainable Transport



An information and networking event open to all public authorities in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Preceded by Members AGM. Best practice in sustainable mobility is the common theme throughout all of the networking events. Held quarterly in different geographical locations, each event focuses on best practice within specific areas of sustainable mobility. Topics for this event included:

  • CIVITAS Demonstration projects: MIRACLES in Hampshire and ARCHIMEDES in Brighton & Hove;
  • Public Transport Journey Planning;
  • Hampshire’s Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy;
  • DfT Sustainable Travel Demonstration Towns Initiative;
  • Sustainable Urban Freight;
  • Bus Rapid Transit;
  • Organised site visits viewing sustainable initiatives in action; and
  • Membership Opportunities.

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Alastair Byers

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