Consultation workshop on the new EU Urban Mobility Initiative


This workshop allows urban mobility practitioners, relevant stakeholders and the public to have their say on urban mobility policy and priorities being addressed at the European level, and on specific actions to be included in the European Commission’s Urban Mobility Initiative.

Following an introductory panel discussion, participants will be invited to provide feedback during three break-out sessions on: political challenges (by invitation only), active and shared mobility, and public and collective transport.

It is organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions and Eltis – the urban mobility observatory.

Register here to join the workshop on 14 June, 14:00-16:00 CEST.

For more information on the consultation workshops on the European Commission's Urban Mobility Initiative, see here.

Author: Richard Adams

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