Conference Land Use, Accessibility and Mobility Management + CIVINET network and Portugal CIVITAS Cities meeting(s)


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

This was a 3 full day event covering several topics and including a diversified number of participants from different fields.

  • Day 1 (12th April) was dedicated to accessibility; transport; mobility management; etc.
  • Day 2 (13th April) was dedicated to mobility management experiences; goods logistics/transport; presentation and special participation of EPOMM (European Platform on Mobility Management); etc.
  • Day 3 (14th April) was dedicated to CIVITAS Cities Network(ing) Portugal and Spain.

Simultaneously with the realization of the Conference, the Prize "Transportation Accessibility was awarded and launched the Mobile Cities Network Portugal.

Presentations from the event can be found here, and posters here.

Authors: IMTT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres) + Portuguese CIVITAS cities (Porto, Coimbra, Funchal), Robert Stussi

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